Company Registration in Zimbabwe - How To Register A Business in Zimbabwe

The registration of all companies and business entities in Zimbabwe is done in terms of The Companies and Other Business Entities (Chapter 24:31) as read with its regulations.

This is done through the Registrar of Companies in Harare and Bulawayo. The following types of business entities can be registered in Zimbabwe—

  1. A public limited company;
  2. A private limited company;
  3. A company limited by guarantee;
  4. A co-operative company;
  5. A foreign company;
  6. A private business corporation;
  7. Subject to section 278 (“Voluntary registration of partnership agreements,

etc.”), partnerships, syndicates, joint ventures and certain associations of persons.


A PRIVATE LIMITED company is a company owned by its shareholders. A Private Limited Company cannot offer shares for sale on the stock market. A person seeking to form a private company shall ascertain whether a name is available for registration. 

If anything goes wrong and a private limited company fails, its directors and shareholders have ‘limited liability’. All private limited companies must be registered at with the Registrar of Companies.


A public limited company is a type of limited company in Zimbabwe which is permitted to offer its shares to the public. All public limited companies’ names end in “Limited”. 
Company Registration in Zimbabwe - How To Register A Business in Zimbabwe
Company Registration in Zimbabwe - How To Register A Business in Zimbabwe
A person seeking to form a public company shall ascertain whether a name is available for registration and must within 30 days of receiving the prescribed forms submit duplicate copies of registered office address, list of directors and secretary, consent to be a director, affidavit by directors, a copy of prospectus or a statement in lieu of a prospectus and duplicate copies of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the public company.


A Private Business Corporation(PBC): is a group of one or more persons but less than twenty who subscribe to an incorporation statement. A PBC has full legal capacity and enjoys perpetual succession until dissolved. The PBC is easy to incorporate and has simple administrative procedures. This type of business entity is suitable for small to medium enterprises.


The law in Zimbabwe provides for the registration of foreign companies.Every foreign company which intends to establish a place of business in Zimbabwe shall submit to the Minister—

A copy, duly certified to be a true copy of the original by a director residing in Zimbabwe or by a notary public, of its constitutive documents and, if the instrument is in a foreign language, a certified translation thereof; and a list in the prescribed form of its directors resident or who will upon the establishment of the place of business be resident in Zimbabwe.

An individual or group of individuals can register a company:

How does one register a company?

Name search:
  • It can be done online or manually. You register the name with the Registrar of Companies and the reservation for the name is only valid for 30 days.
  • The online registration is done on ZimConnect Portal, one has to register on ZimConnect Portal and their ID number is their User name
  • You select the Companies and Deeds, you then select Request for Company name search, make payment using either Ecocash or bank payment an amount of $5.
  • Submit your names and get a reference number you use to get a hard copy of the name search at the 
  • Deeds offices
  • Manually the process is done on Form CR21 and documents are lodged in duplicate
  • Results are collected on Form CV4.

Memorandum and Articles of Association:
  • These are filed with the Registrar of companies together with the prescribed fee
  • Form CR 14 States the company directors and secretary and CR 6 which states the physical address of the company is also filed together with Memorandum and Articles of Association Fee.
A Certificate of Incorporation is then issued after successful registration and the whole process should not take more than 14 days.